This time we are taking you to Lee County Mud Motorsports Complex in North Carolina for Fastest of the Fast Mud Racing 2021 Event. Mud Trucks come from all over to see who can throw down the fastest time in the 200 foot long Hill and Hole mud pit. Witness all of the mud slinging action as we bring you the fast passes, engine failures, and crashes. Let us know which one of these Mud Drag Racing trucks is your favorite in the comments below. #MudDrags #MudRacing #MudTruck Official Busted Knuckle Merch - http://www.bustedknucklegear.com BKF Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/bustedknucklefilms INSTAGRAM http://www.instagram.com/bustedknucklefilms SNAPCHAT- https://www.snapchat.com/add/bustedknucklefilms TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@bustedknucklefilms AMAZON PRIME- https://www.amazon.com/v/BustedKnuckleFilms Buy Off Road Parts- http://www.bustedknuckleoffroad.com Check out our New BKOR Shop Channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbOUUPmH1YoFXHRQuZarA5A Become a Member- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwJOLhqkBHVnT5wA1mkOzdg/join Big Thanks to our sponsors http://www.bustedknuckleoffroad.com **SEND US FAN MAIL** Busted Knuckle Off Road 5270 AL HWY 69 South Cullman, AL 35057 United States of America
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